Donate $25 for two DVDs of the Cryptome collection of files from 1996 to the present

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Cryptome In
Cryptome Archive 1996-Present


ussc123003.htm        US Sentencing Commission RFC                     December 31, 2003       Preventable Deaths: US Army Fails Warriors (2MB) December 28, 2003

mi6-psyop.htm         How MI6 Sold the Iraq War                        December 28, 2003
wall-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing Israeli West Bank Separation Wall     December 27, 2003
pixel-net.htm         12 Reasons to Pixelate the Internet              December 25, 2003
nerve-agents.htm      Deliberate Release of Nerve Agents               December 25, 2003
dos122403.txt         Deadly Medicine: Creating the Master Race        December 25, 2003

bon122403.htm         Sanctions Against Macedonian Missiles            December 25, 2003
niac122403.txt        National Infrastructure Advisory Council Meet    December 25, 2003
dod122203.txt         Defense Dept Semi-Annual Agenda                  December 23, 2003
doj122203.txt         Justice Dept Semi-Annual Agenda                  December 23, 2003
dhs122203.txt         HomeSec Dept Semi-Annual Agenda (Scary)          December 23, 2003

hhstac122203.txt      HomeSec Technical Advisory Panel Meet            December 23, 2003
uscg122203.txt        Coast Guard Issues Classified MarSec Docs        December 23, 2003
mi6-greenpeace.htm    MI6 Secrets of Greenpeace (Spanish)              December 22, 2003
seats-uneyeball.htm   UnEyeballing the US Seats of Power               December 20, 2003
dsb121903.txt         Defense Science Board ID Tech Secret Meets       December 20, 2003

manpads2.htm          Wassenaar Group Tightens MANPADS Exports         December 20, 2003
mod-scam.htm          MOD Scammed £Millions by NI Police Informer      December 20, 2003
eyenot.htm            Mapquest Yanks Satellite Images                  December 19, 2003
mint121603.txt        US Mint Artistic Infusion Program                December 17, 2003
remailers-tla.htm     Remailer Security                                December 15, 2003

bark-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing the Barksdale AFB Nuclear WSA         December 14, 2003
wsis121103.htm        News on World Summit on the Information Society  December 12, 2003
ccl-crypto.txt        US Revises Encryption Export Controls            December 11, 2003
bis121003.txt         Commerce Control List Revised for NatSec         December 11, 2003
fbi-cryptome3.htm     FBI HQ: No Records on FBI/NY Visit to Cryptome   December 7, 2003

anthrax-powder.htm    Anthrax Powder: State of the Art?                December 7, 2003
pantex-nukes.htm      Pantex Nuclear Facility Weekly Safety Reports    December 7, 2003
uk-spies-ok.htm       Defending British Spies: Intel Uses and Abuses   December 6, 2003
fru-highcourt.htm     FRU Open Letter to British High Court            December 5, 2003
wsis120303.htm        US on World Summit on Information Society        December 3, 2003

fda120303.txt         Classification of Jaw Tracking Device            December 3, 2003
fips180-2-c1.htm      FIPS 180-2 Secure Hash Standard, Change 1        December 1, 2003
treas120103.txt       Terrorism Risk Insurance Initial Claims          December 1, 2003
bis120103.txt         Export Regulations Changed for Chem/Bio Weapons  December 1, 2003
bis120103-2.txt       Chem Weapons Convention "Schedule 1" Chemicals   December 1, 2003

O f f s i t e 

Boss Eye              Spying on Workers /T                             December 22, 2003
ICBM                  Peacekeeper (MX) ICBM History /J                 December 22, 2003

H-Bomb                How to Build a Thermonuclear Bomb /R             December 22, 2003
Cory                  Cory Reports on Northern Ireland Murders /O      December 20, 2003
UK Git                Call for Shutting Britain's Gitmo /T             December 20, 2003
Eye Sty               Secret Service Pixelated US Seats of Power /K    December 18, 2003
Pig Poke              Feds Raid Gitmo Defense Attorney /G              December 18, 2003

Fly Eye               EU-US Global Surveillance of Travel /T           December 18, 2003
Pig Sty               Katherine Gun: For Telling the Truth /G          December 18, 2003
Axis                  EU-NATO-US to Share HomeSec Data /T              December 17, 2003
Goo                   Satellite Eyes Secret Project /N                 December 17, 2003
Eats                  FDA/CBP Imported Food Safety Compliance Guide    December 16, 2003

Hole                  The Capture of Saddam (US Army Slides) /B        December 14, 2003
Cryptdict             Bletchley Park 1944 Cryptographic Dictionary /O  December 13, 2003
Walleyes              FBI Applies New Rules to Surveillance /M         December 13, 2003
Clones                Chickenhawks to Buy Iraq Murders: Phoenix 2 /O   December 13, 2003
GAO-04-163            GAO: Terrorist Financing Needs Smarter Look      December 13, 2003

GAO-04-315R           GAO: Questions on Aviation and Port Security     December 13, 2003
KBR                   DoD Glosses Halliburton VP-Like Profiteering     December 13, 2003
Sec Czar              HomeSec Names Security Chief /W                  December 13, 2003
Vile CIA              CIA Citizen Disinformation Villainy /S           December 12, 2003
KBA                   Knowledge Based Authentication Forum             December 12, 2003

CPSC                  CryptoPhone Source Code Published /F             December 11, 2003
SnS                   Secrets and Spies /A                             December 10, 2003
Say No                Last Chance To Save Ground Zero /R               December 9, 2003
Manhunt               Seymour Hersh: US Assassins, Vietnam Redux /D    Decmeber 8, 2003
45 Min (ok)           How 45-minute WMD Got from Baghdad to No 10 /O   December 7, 2003

Red Oil               Red Oil Explosions in Nuclear Facilities /B      December 7, 2003
NIC2020               National Intelligence Council Project 2020 /R    December 6, 2003
Toxicon               Investigation of Beryllium Exposure Cases /B     December 6, 2003
Mex Tex (ok)          Mexican Troops Kidnap Texas Family /C            December 6, 2003
NSA Eye               Interviewing at the NSA /S/G                     December 5, 2003

Panopticonet          Creating a Homeland Security Network /R (1MB)    December 4, 2003
LEA Panopt            Law Enforcement and Intel Access to Information  December 4, 2003
Biz Panopt            Commercial Access to Information                 December 4, 2003
Disinfo               NRO Satellites Flying Blind? /B                  December 4, 2003
Nail 'em              Bush/NatSec Team Sued for 911 Failure /R         December 4, 2003


bp-eyeball.htm        Eyeballing Bletchley Park                        November 30, 2003
rockingham2.htm       Operation Rockingham Disputed by Scott Ritter    November 29, 2003

booher.htm            Spammer-Hating Hannibal Indicted                 November 29, 2003
bush-junk.htm         Bush Describes Baghdad Junket                    November 29, 2003
nist112803.txt        NIST Implements Construction Safety Team         November 29, 2003
nstac112803.txt       NatSec Communications Secret Meet                November 29, 2003
dhs112803.txt         U of Southern California Named HomeSec Center    November 29, 2003

lau112503.htm         News of FBI Hounding Ex-FBI Agent Lau            November 29, 2003
prez2-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing the President's Waco Airbase          November 28, 2003
fbi-cryptome3.htm     FBI Answers Cryptome FOIA Request Again          November 28, 2003
gun-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing Katherine Gun and GCHQ                November 27, 2003
dhl-sam.htm           Eyeballing DHL Aircraft Hit by SAM               November 27, 2003

rockingham.htm        Operation Rockingham by Its Creator              November 26, 2003
bliss-lessons.htm     US Army Air Defense Artillery Lessons Learned    November 25, 2003
tia-seisint.htm       TIA Returns as Seisint's MATRIX                  November 23, 2003
jacko-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing the Michael Jackson Neverland Valley  November 22, 2003
fru-hrh.htm           Letter to the Queen from FRU Agent               November 22, 2003

iraq-mig.htm          Eyeballing Iraqi MiG Dug Up from Desert          November 22, 2003
ftc111903.htm         FTC Casts National, Global Cybersecurity Plan    November 21, 2003
fru-stall.htm         MoD Stalls FRU Investigation                     November 20, 2003
food-fight.htm        US Ups Fight Against Food Terrorism              November 20, 2003
nypd-interpol.htm     NY Police to Have Access to Interpol Data        November 20, 2003

tsa111803.htm         TSA Air Cargo Security Strategic Plan            November 18, 2003
dia111803.txt         Defense Intelligence Panel Secret Meet           November 18, 2003
nnsa111803.txt        Nuclear Security Secret Meets                    November 18, 2003
usace111803.txt       Security Zone Set at Newport Naval Base          November 18, 2003
bis111803.txt         BIS Penalizes Exporter to Pakistan               November 18, 2003

prez-cycrime.htm      Bush Asks Senate OK of Cybercrime Convention     November 18, 2003
911-111703.txt        9-11 Commission Hearing                          November 17, 2003
dod111703.txt         DoD Mandatory Declassification Review Addresses  November 17, 2003
fru-portrait.htm      UK Force Research Unit Group Portrait (update)   November 16, 2003
dod-deplores.htm      DoD Deplores Leaked Link of Iraq-Al Qaeda        November 16, 2003

donal-browne.htm      IRA's Donal Browne Arrested in US                November 16, 2003
mi5-bug2.htm          MI5's PK-Bugging Agent on the Run                November 16, 2003
nsa-gun2.htm          UK's Straw Pressed on NSA Bugging of UN          November 16, 2003
fbi-ea.htm            FBI on Its Enterprise Architecture CompuSys      November 15, 2003
energy-2003.htm       Senate Energy Policy Act of 2003 (1.2MB)         November 15, 2003       Senate Energy Policy Act of 2003 Zipped (340KB)  November 15, 2003
billy-wright2.htm     More Police Files on Billy Wright Murder (new)   November 15, 2003
nsa-gun.htm           Ex-GCHQ Woman Charged over NSA UN-Spy Memo       November 13, 2003
web-panic.htm         Intel Experts Comb Web for Terror Clues          November 13, 2003 
usaf111303.txt        RFC on Claims of Former CIA Air Crews            November 13, 2003

usaf111203.txt        Air Force Issues GPS Data                        November 13, 2003
bis111203.txt         RFC on SNAP  Export Application Program          November 13, 2003
rfid-scandal.htm      Wal-Mart, P&G Involved in Secret RFID Testing    November 11, 2003
iraq-invite.htm       Iraq Reconstruction Invitation                   November 11, 2003
lucas-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing AU's Lucas Heights Nuclear Plant      November 11, 2003

walmart-spy.htm       Wal-Mart RFID Spying to Cost Suppliers Millions  November 10, 2003
rfid-field-test.pdf   Lessons Learned from RFID Field Test (2.1MB)     November 10, 2003
verio-balk.htm        Verio Un-Balks at Log File Deletion              November 10, 2003
pk-radio-data.htm     Pakistan Embassy Radio Data                      November 10, 2003
ucc-rfid.pdf          UCC Beds RFID (1.5MB)                            November 10, 2003

mi5-pk-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing MI5 Bugging Pakistan Embassy          November 9, 2003
tsa110703.txt         Security Threat Assessment of HazMat Drivers     November 7, 2003
dot110703.txt         License Restriction of HazMat Drivers            November 7, 2003
fbi-cryptome2.htm     FOIA Request on FBI Visit to Cryptome            November 6, 2003
cdc110603.txt         Diseases Transmitted Through the Food Supply     November 6, 2003

tsa110503.htm         Terrorists Still Pose Threat to Civil Aviation   November 6, 2003
terrpan110603.txt     Terrorist Panel Meet                             November 6, 2003
dpbac110603.txt       Warmonger Panel Secret Meet                      November 6, 2003
dea110603.txt         DEA Bans Fed Sale of Peaceful Chemicals          November 6, 2003
fcc110403.htm         FCC Adopts Anti-Piracy Protection for Digi-TV    November 4, 2003

fbi-cryptome.htm      FBI Visits Cryptome                              November 4, 2003
us-cu-59-85.jpg       Imperialist Aggression Against Cuba 1959-85      November 4, 2003
cdc110403.txt         Monkeypox Controls                               November 4, 2003
aphis110403.txt       Mad Cow Disease Controls                         November 4, 2003
doj110403.txt         Reporting Agencies for Child Porno               November 4, 2003

nypd-spooks.htm       Overeager NY Police Department Spooks            November 3, 2003
aphis110303.txt       Regulation of Biological Agents and Toxins       November 3, 2003
dos110303.txt         State/Labor Address Foreign Labor Issues         November 3, 2003
dhs110303.txt         DHS on National Communications Manager           November 3, 2003
istac110303.txt       Info Sys Tech Panel Meet                         November 3, 2003

3rdID-0703.pdf        3rd Infantry Div. After Action Report (1.1MB)    November 3, 2003
cendant-spy.doc       Cendant Customer Data Collection                 November 3, 2003
jp-journo-id2.htm     JP Person In Dallas on Day JFK Assassinated      November 2, 2003
met-leaks.htm         UK Metropolitan Police Source of Leaks           November 2, 2003
mi5-bug.htm           MI5 caught bugging ally’s UK embassy             November 1, 2003

O f f s i t e 

Home Goon             Homeland Security Buys Goon State /M             November 29, 2003
UK Ape                Britain's PATRIOT Bill /T                        November 28, 2003

Proof                 CIA: The Case for Iraqi WMDs                     November 28, 2003
Poof                  Thomas Powers: The Vanishing Case for War /D     November 27, 2003
Taps                  Telephone Taps 1937-2002 /T                      November 27, 2003
Bills                 Bills For 'Homeland Security' /V                 November 26, 2003
Taggart               Eyeballing Secret Iraeli Facility 1391 /B        November 26, 2003

MATRIX                Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange   November 26, 2003
SIS                   Statewide Intelligence Systems Program           November 26, 2003
Secret Cell           What is UK Operation Rockingham? /M              November 21, 2003
CP                    Cryptophone /E                                   November 21, 2003
Stalag                Facility 1391: Israel's secret prison /H         November 20, 2003

Myths                 DoJ: Dispelling PATRIOT Act Myths                November 18, 2003
CVS                   Covert Video Surveillance /J                     November 16, 2003
IR Nuke               Iran Nuclear Probe Report /R                     November 15, 2003
PGP U                 PGP Universal Beta Released /L                   November 15, 2003
FBI NSI               Factsheet on FBI NatSec Investigations /S/R      November 13, 2003

CWI                   Chemical Warfare Incident Investigation /M       November 13, 2003
UK SpyD               UK To Introduce National ID Card /O              November 11, 2003
US Losses             US Military Casualties of IQ-AF Wars/Terrorism   November 10, 2003
CIA WMD               CIA Report to Congress on WMD Tech               November 10, 2003
Lip Spy               P&G, Wal-Mart Did Secret Test of RFID /L         November 10, 2003

Warlove               Thomas Powers: CIA v. War Lovers /D              November 8, 2003
White Box             New campaign calls for safe e-voting /F          November 4, 2003
SP 800-53             Security Controls for Fed Information Systems    November 4, 2003
Bad Box               EU Data Retention Would be Unlawful /T           November 4, 2003
DOD 911               DoD Support to the 9/11 Commission               November 1, 2003


lists.tgz             Diebold Vote Fixing E-Mail (11.5MB)              October 31, 2003
fema-flubs.htm        FEMA Points To Flaws, Flubs In Terror Drill      October 31, 2003

lau-v-fbi-dkt.htm     Lok Thye Lau v. FBI Covert Spy Case              October 31, 2003 
usps103103.txt        Postal Service Withdraws Sender-ID Mail          October 31, 2003
pn103103.txt          Prez Notice on WMD Threat                        October 31, 2003
sabotage-towers.htm   Sabotage of High Voltage Transmission Towers     October 30, 2003
hiibel-v-6jdc.htm     Hiibel v. The Sixth Judicial Court of Nevada     October 30, 2003

us-ugly.htm           Challenge of Improving U.S. Image Abroad         October 30, 2003
dos102903.txt         US Not to Spy Foreign Transiting Mail, Wink      October 30, 2003
bay-of-pigs-ru.jpg    Bay of Pigs Battle Map - Russian Atlas of Cuba   October 29, 2003
fru-hayward2.htm      'Steak Knife', Hayward, and FRU 2                October 29, 2003
pp7725.txt            Prez on Protection from Pornography Week         October 28, 2003

doj102803.txt         RFC Intellectural Property Law Enforcement       October 28, 2003
usps102803.txt        Postal Unique ID for Flat Mail                   October 28, 2003
fac102803.txt         Foreign Assets Control for Iraq                  October 28, 2003
itar102703.txt        ITAR Mandatory Electronic Filing                 October 28, 2003 
ira-mugs-2.htm        IRA Mug Shots 2                                  October 28, 2003

jp-journo-id2.htm     JP Person In Dallas on Day JFK Assassinated      October 27, 2003
fru-hayward.htm       'Steak Knife', Hayward, and FRU                  October 27, 2003
bis102403.txt         Proposed EAR on Computer Technology Export       October 24, 2003
dia102403.txt         Defense Intelligence Panel Meet                  October 24, 2003
dla102403.txt         Strategic Stockpile of Thorium Nitrate Disposal  October 24, 2003

dod102403.txt         Unique Item Identification Meet                  October 24, 2003
gitmo-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing the Naval Station Guantanamo Bay      October 23, 2003
cpsc102303.txt        Ignition Hazard of Upholstered Furniture         October 23, 2003
atfe102303.txt        Gang Resistance Education and Training Program   October 23, 2003
atsdr102303.txt       Toxicological Profiles of Hazardous Substances   October 23, 2003

usps102103.txt        Postal Sender-ID Requirements                    October 23, 2003
dod-rfid.htm          DoD Announces RFID Policy                        October 23, 2003
niger-docs3.htm       More Niger Uranium Documents                     October 22, 2003        Coast Guard Final Rule on Maritime Security      October 22, 2003
oge102203.txt         US Government Gift Office                        October 22, 2003

ussc102103.txt        PATRIOT Act Sentencing Guidelines                October 21, 2003
dsb102103.txt         DARPA to Get More Pounding for TIA               October 21, 2003
bis102103.txt         RFC: Sane US Export Controls                     October 21, 2003
cn-exports.htm        China Needs Unlike-US Export Controls            October 21, 2003
pd2003-39.txt         Prez OKs Groom Lake NatSec Toxic Hazard          October 21, 2003

hotel-id-theft.htm    Hotel Key Card Identity Theft - False?           October 20, 2003
dos102003.txt         Dhamat Houmet Daawa Salafia Named Terrorist      October 20, 2003
census102003.txt      Rough Diamond Trade Tracking                     October 20, 2003
alq-terr-man.htm      Alleged Al Qaeda Training Manual Complete        October 18, 2003
plame-memo.htm        CIA Memo May Aid Plame Leak Probe                October 17, 2003

dhs101603.txt         HomeSec Rule on SAFETY Act Implementation        October 16, 2003
bis101603.txt         RFC on Strategic Stockpile Release               October 16, 2003
pecsea101603.txt      Prez Export Council Meet                         October 16, 2003
ira-mugs.htm          IRA Mug Shots - Stakeknife and 45 Others         October 16, 2003
dhs101403.htm         USG to Spy on US Travelers to Cuba               October 14, 2003

iraqi-dinar.jpg       New Iraqi Dinar                                  October 14, 2003
plame-stink.htm       Stinking Secrets of the Valerie Plame Scandal    October 11, 2003
us-targets-cu.htm     US Targets Cuba                                  October 11, 2003 
eu-data-cop.htm       Europe Playing Privacy Cop to World              October 10, 2003
plame-brewster.htm    Is Brewster Jennings Linked to the CIA?          October 10, 2003

xtian-fatwah.htm      FBI Tip: Christian Fatwah to WMD State Dept.     October 10, 2003
tacoma-leak2.htm      Port of Tacoma Docs Insecure Again               October 10, 2003
dos101003.txt         US Targets Kahane, Qaeda, Jihad, Basques, et al  October 10, 2003
fda101003.txt         Risk Assessment for Food Terrorism               October 10, 2003
dod101003.txt         DoD Orders Unique Item ID                        October 10, 2003

20-bucks.gif          New US 20 Dollar Bill                            October 10, 2003
il-targets-sy.htm     Israeli Targets: Damascus Ring of Terror         October 9, 2003
plame3-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing Valerie Plame-Wilson in Virginia      October 9, 2003
pork-sec.htm          When Someone Says Security, Hold Your Checkbook  October 8, 2003
arnold-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing Arnold and Maria Schwarzenegger       October 8, 2003

911-100803.txt        9/11 Investigation Panel Meet                    October 8, 2003
faa100803.txt         Restricted Alaskan Air Space for DoE Balloon     October 8, 2003
fda100803.txt         Obesity Threat Workshop                          October 8, 2003
hhs100803.txt         Health Ignorance Threat Museum                   October 8, 2003
rspa100803.txt        Pipeline Stress Corrosion Cracking Threat        October 8, 2003

niac100703.txt        National Infrastructure Advisory Council Meet    October 7, 2003
cnss-idx03.htm        Index of National Security Systems Issuances     October 6, 2003
fema100603.txt        FEMA Claims Indian Point Nuke Plant not WMD      October 6, 2003
usace100603.txt       USACE SecZones for Charleston SC, Sheboygan WI   October 6, 2003
aphis100603.txt       Big Cat Symposia; Animal Care                    October 6, 2003

libeskind-wtc.htm     Daniel Libeskind WTC Design Contract             October 5, 2003
four-eyeballs.htm     Eyeballing Rove, Ashcroft, Tenet, Plame 2        October 3, 2003
utzon-gehry.htm       Saving Architecture from Boards and Bureaus      October 2, 2003
gao-04-140t.htm       GAO: Challenges in Securing Control Systems      October 2, 2003
dos100203.txt         List of Ancestral Terrorist Organizations        October 2, 2003

dsb100203.txt         Defense Science Board Closed and Open Meets      October 2, 2003
novak-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing Robert Novak, DoJ and the FBI         October 1, 2003
plame-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing Valerie Plame and Joseph Wilson IV    October 1, 2003
gao-04-133t.htm       GAO: Fake ID HomeSec Threat                      October 1, 2003
acpo-guide.htm        UK Police Guide to Computer/Electronic Evidence  October 1, 2003

nps093003.txt         Get Fake ID to Reconnoiter White House Security  October 1, 2003
fcc100103.txt         FCC Implements Do Not Call Rule                  October 1, 2003
fda100103.txt         FDA To Hold Satellite Meet on Food Security      October 1, 2003
dod100103.txt         Procurement of Terrorism Defense Contracts       October 1, 2003
eo13317.txt           Executive Order on Volunteers for Prosperity     October 1, 2003

cdc093003.txt         CDC List of Terrifying Chemicals                 October 1, 2003
dea093003.txt         DEA List of Terrific Chemicals                   October 1, 2003
SDS.ppt               US Navy Swimmer Detection System                 October 1, 2003
tsa092903.txt         TSA Reinstates Security Fee                      October 1, 2003
pn092903.txt          Prez Notice on State to HomeSec Visa Shift       October 1, 2003

O f f s i t e 

FBI UCA               FBI Covert Agent Sues Agency /G                  October 31, 2003
A-10 Killer           Brit Given Medal In Friendly Fire Attack         October 30, 2003
GAO-04-221T           Chemical Weapons Destruction Balls Up            October 30, 2003
P->P                  Panopticon Becomes Pantopicon /N                 October 30, 2003

Rape                  Luntz Memo on Raping the Environment /C          October 29, 2003
Swiss Spy             Swiss Satellite Intercept System /G              October 23, 3003
Hi Spy                The World of High-Tech Surveillance /M           October 22, 2003
WMD IQ                Sy Hersh: Intelligence War on Iraqi WMD /G       October 21, 2003
GAO-03-847            Combatting Bioterrorism: Plum Island Needs       October 20, 2003

doj013102             Secret Investigative Tools in Criminal Cases /S  October 16, 2003
Bernstein             Daniel Bernstein Crypto Case Dismissed /D        October 16, 2003
CN Pad                China's Space Launch Facility 4 Oct 03 (411KB)   October 15, 2003
GZ                    WTC Ground Zero 3 Sep 03 (2.8MB)                 October 15, 2003
Celldar               Cellphone Radar Spying /C                        October 14, 2003

SP800-35              NIST Guide to Info Tech Sec Services (2.9MB)     October 11, 2003
SP800-36              NIST How to Select Info Sec Products (464 KB)    October 11, 2003
SP800-42              NIST Guideline on Network Sec Testing (1.5MB)    October 11, 2003
SP800-50              NIST Info Tech Sec Awareness/Training (4.1MB)    October 11, 2003
SP800-64              NIST Sec Issues in InfoSys Development (688 KB)  October 11, 2003

Val Spy               Google Spies Valerie the Spy /D                  October 9, 2003
CDiotic               MediaMax CD3 Copy Protection Idiotic /M          October 8, 2003
IDiotic               Canada Reports National ID Card Idiotic /I       October 8, 2003
Fodder                Casualties in the "war on terrorism" /T          October 8, 2003
Lemmings              EU airlines giving passenger data to US /T       October 8, 2003

DE TZP                German Tempest Zoned Products (DE) /D            October 7, 2003
WMD Unsex             CIA Kay Report on the Search for WMD             October 2, 2003
WCYC                  EFF Report: Who Controls Your Computer /W        October 2, 2003
Spy Sex               The Truth Behind the Spy Facade /D/O/T           October 2, 2003
Pol Sex               Biometrics: EU Spy Max /T                        October 2, 2003


pcsrf.htm             Process Control Security Requirements Forum      September 30, 2003
cyberinsecurity.htm   Why Microsoft is a Threat to National Security   September 27, 2003

prez-esc.htm          Prez's Grand Getaway Train                       September 27, 2003
dhs092603.txt         Shhh: Qualified Anti-Terrorism Technology        September 26, 2003
fta092603.txt         WTC Transit Station Environmental Study          September 26, 2003
fda092603.txt         Food/Drug Products Counter Terrorism Workshop    September 26, 2003
uscg092603.txt        Coast Guards Security Rule for Frisco Bay HIV    September 26, 2003

uscg092603.txt        Coast Guard Rule on Port Hazmat Handling         September 26, 2003
nyc-h2o-eyeball.htm   Eyeballing the New York City Water Reservoirs    September 26, 2003
treas092503.txt       Treasury Sets Bank Customer ID for PATRIOT Act   September 25, 2003
usaf092503.txt        US Air Force Implements Privacy Act              September 25, 2003
fincen092503.txt      FinCEN Implements Privacy Act                    September 25, 2003

uscg092503.txt        Coast Guard Sets Security Zone for Frisco Bay    September 25, 2003
cia-origin.htm        Central Intelligence: Origin and Evolution       September 24, 2003
osce091803.htm        US Defends Treatment of Enemy Combatants         September 24, 2003
usms092303.txt        Fed Detainees Up 1000 Percent! in 20 Years       September 23, 2003
ieee-cave.htm         IEEE Caves to US Gov Censorship                  September 23, 2003

isoo092203.txt        Classified National Security Info (Directive 1)  September 22, 2003
pn091803.txt          Prez Notice on Terrorism Emergency No. 3         September 22, 2003
us-un-cyber.htm       Working With the UN to Improve Cyber Security    September 22, 2003
hatfill-v-doj.pdf     Steven Hatfill Complaint Against DoJ (1.7MB)     September 21, 2003
ebay-spy-rat.htm      eBay Spying and Ratting Its Users                September 21, 2003

ca-il-spies.htm       Israeli Art Student-Spies Kicked Out of Canada   September 20, 2003
jetblue-spy.htm       JetBlue/Torch/Acxiom Spy Air Passengers          September 20, 2003
kid-porn-bait.htm     Dumbshit Kid Porn Stings                         September 20, 2003
jetblue-mea.htm       JetBlue Apologizes for Misuse of Passenger Data  September 19, 2003
jp-journo-id.htm      Japanese Journalist ID Request Update            September 19, 2003

robbins-rip.htm       David Robbins, NSA Cryptologist, Dies            September 18, 2003
faa091803.txt         Airline Safety Data to be Kept Secret            September 18, 2003
bis091803.txt         EAR Revised for Missile Technology Control       September 18, 2003
epa091803.txt         National Emissions Standards for Asbestos        September 18, 2003
nsf091803.txt         South Pole Neutrino Telescope (Project IceCube)  September 18, 2003

tsc091603.htm         US Terrorist Screening Center                    September 17, 2003
bolton091603.htm      US Threatens War with Syria                      September 17, 2003
cdc091703.txt         Adverse Effects of GA (Tabun), GB (Sarin), VX    September 17, 2003
bis091703.txt         Export Administration Regulations Penalties      September 17, 2003
hsac091703.txt        Home Sec Advisory Panel Meet                     September 17, 2003

dos091603.txt         State Bars Arms to Russian Entity Tula KBP       September 16, 2003
RIP-memo-1.doc        RIP Memo on Communciations Data                  September 16, 2003
RIP-memo-2.doc        RIP Memo on Surveillance and Human Spying        September 16, 2003
frenchepix.htm        French Echelon Station Screen Shots              September 16, 2003
dhs-manpads.htm       Counter MANPADS Demonstration and Development    September 15, 2003

uscg091503.txt        Coast Guard Security Zones at 5 Nuke Plants      September 15, 2003
nara091503.txt        National Archives Threatened                     September 15, 2003
doe091503.txt         Microhole Technology Development                 September 15, 2003
usaid091503.txt       Israel Emergency War Loans                       September 15, 2003
obl-fatwa.htm         Bin Laden Re-Issues Fatwa to Kill Americans      September 15, 2003

mi6-sat.htm           MI6 Satellite Office                             September 15, 2003
rip-fipr.htm          FIPR: RIP Snooping 2003 Little Changed           September 15, 2003
RIP-2003-1.doc        RIP (Communications Data) Order 2003             September 15, 2003
RIP-2003-2.doc        RIP (Surveillance and Human Spying) Order 2003   September 15, 2003
gsm-interceptor.htm   GSM Interceptor                                  September 15, 2003

nwc-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing the Naval War College                 September 14, 2003
frenchelon.htm        French Echelon Station, Dordogne, France         September 14, 2003
billy-wright.htm      Billy Wright Murder - Government Complicity      September 13, 2003
tapac091103.txt       DoD TIA Panel Meet                               September 11, 2003
atfe091103.txt        Delivery of Explosives                           September 11, 2003

fac091103.txt         Bigger Penalties for Cuban Trade                 September 11, 2003
doa091103.txt         Army Patent for Chem/Bio Escape Hood             September 11, 2003
veep-bunker.htm       Eyeballing Cheney Bunker on 9/11/03              September 11, 2003
tia-dots.htm          Poindexter: Dots of Terror in DARPA Data         September 10, 2003
intel-for-911.htm     Intelligence for First Responders                September 10, 2003

dos091003.txt         Clean Diamonds Cartel                            September 10, 2003
don091003.txt         Navy Aircraft to Assault East Coast              September 10, 2003
gsm-crack-bbk.pdf     GSM Crack Paper by Barkan, Biham, Keller         September 9, 2003
riaa-wrong.htm        RIAA Wrongly Accuses MIT Student                 September 9, 2003
jp-journo-id.htm      Japanese Journalist ID Request                   September 9, 2003

uspto090903.txt       Secrecy of National Security Inventions          September 9, 2003
jesus-code.htm        The Jesus Code                                   September 8, 2003
fcc090803.htm         Hazard of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields  September 8, 2003
nstac090803.txt       NatSec Telecom Secret Meet                       September 8, 2003
rspa090803.txt        HazMat Transport Violation Penalties             September 8, 2003

dss-comsec.htm        DSS COMSEC of Industrial Security Operations     September 7, 2003
gsm-crack.htm         Weak GSM Crypto Cracked Again                    September 5, 2003
tsa090503.txt         Aviation Security Meet                           September 5, 2003
epa090503.txt         WPP Trans Uranic Waste Docs Available            September 5, 2003
opm090403.txt         Training Feds for Computer Security              September 5, 2003

uscg090403.txt        Coast Guard Puget Sound Explosives Security Zone September 5, 2003
othb-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing Over the Horizon-Backscatter Radar    September 3, 2003
wtc-rfp-real.htm      WTC RFP for Real Estate Advisory Services        September 3, 2003
dhs090203.htm         DHS Loudmouths Terrorist Shield                  September 3, 2003
dhs090303.txt         DHS Shutmouths Information Secrecy               September 3, 2003

bpm090303.txt         Rogue Arms Dealers Named                         September 3, 2003
atsdr090303.txt       Identifying Health Hazards Exposure Pathways     September 3, 2003
rspa090303.txt        Haz Mat Requirements for Cargo Tanks             September 3, 2003
uscg090303.txt        Coast Guard Sets Tampa Bay Security Zone         September 3, 2003
eo13315.txt           Executive Order on Iraqi Assets Grab             September 3, 2003

wife-killer.txt       Planned Medical Killing of Disabled Wife         September 2, 2003
ussc090203.txt        Sentencing Guidelines Priorities                 September 2, 2003
ferc090203.txt        Denying the Public Electrical Information        September 2, 2003
noaa090203.txt        OK to Kill Animals with Missile Tests            September 2, 2003

O f f s i t e 

Infocon               Infocon Magazine /W                              September 30, 2003

SOI                   Petition: Shame on IEEE /J                       September 30, 2003
WMD Sex               House Intel Heads Claim CIA Sexed Up WMDs        September 28, 2003
WH Leak               CIA Asks DoJ to Probe White House Leak           September 28, 2003
WMD                   Whiskey of Mass Destruction /O                   September 28, 2003
Inside LT             Inside Intel's Secretive 'LaGrande' Project /R   September 28, 2003

GAO-03-959            GAO: FBI Info Tech SNAFU                         September 25, 2003
GAO-03-1173           GAO: Airport Passenger Screening SNAFU           September 25, 2003
GAO-03-1083           GAO: HomeSec Border Security Program at Risk     September 23, 2003
GAO-03-1165T          GAO: HomeSec Info Sharing Challenges             September 22, 2003
Roback                Exploring Security of Crypto Common Criteria     September 18, 2003

FIPS 199              Standards for Security of Federal InfoSys        September 18, 2003
WTC Update            NIST Update on WTC Collapse Investigation /B     September 17, 2003
GAO-03-1088           GAO: DoD Underspends on Global War on Terrorism  September 17, 2003
PK                    Plans and Kits /V                                September 17, 2003
5 RIPs                Five UK 2003 RIP Spying Orders /S                September 16, 2003

ARS                   Airline Passenger Risk Assessment /J             September 16, 2003
Talibs                The Taliban File /J                              September 15, 2003
IF Threat             Why Copyright Threatens Intellectual Freedom     September 15, 2003
GAO-03-981            GAO: Impact of Ashcroft Policy on FOIA           September 15, 2003
PGPU                  PGP Universal Introduced /R                      September 15, 2003

Outlaws               DMCA Lawbreakers /J                              September 14, 2003
Kill Billy            Warnings Given of Plot to Kill Billy Wright      September 13, 2003
UK Pry                UK Unveils New Domestic Tele-Spying Docs /S      September 12, 2003
GAO-03-1150T          GAO: Aviation Security All Screwed Up            September 11, 2003
GAO-03-1134T          GAO: HomeSec Finances All Screwed Up             September 11, 2003

CCPP                  CIA Counterterrorism Program Primer /P           September 11, 2003
UK Spy                UK Intelligence Reports 2002 /W                  September 10, 2003
GAO-03-804            Security of Sealed Radioactive Sources           September 9, 2003
EU CD                 What's Wrong with EU Copyright? /I               September 9, 2003
FOI JP                Birth of Freedom of Info Law in Japan /J         September 9, 2003

Bugs 67               Are You Safe from Electronic Snoopers? /H        September 9, 2003
TT                    Eyeballing USAF Texas Tower Radar Stations /B    September 8, 2003
A or D                Homeland Security: Adapt or Die /D               September 7, 2003
US Mercs              Green Card Cannon Fodder /P                      September 5, 2003
Spy Lies              Hutton: Lies About British Intelligence /N       September 5, 2003

Grid Lies             DeReg: Lies About the Electrical Grid /J         September 5, 2003
Vote Lies             Diebold: Lies About Electronic Elections /D      September 5, 2003
Law Lies              PATRIOT Act: Lies About Free Expression  /N      September 5, 2003
SP800-38C             Block Cipher Modes of Operation: the CCM Mode    September 5, 2003
GSM Hack              GSM Crypto Cracked /C                            September 4, 2003

Cheap Taps            DoD Invents Phony Bugle for Real Dead            September 3, 2003
SB Fat                UK Special Branch Doubles in Size /T             September 3, 2003
PPSP                  NIST Public/Private Security Practices           September 3, 2003
FISC 03               Members of US Domestic Spying Court 2003 /S      September 2, 2003
PAL                   Nuclear Weapons Permissive Action Links          September 1, 2003

DHS TRAC              Tracking the Department of Homeland Security /J  September 1, 2003
Iranon                US sponsors Anonymiser - if you live in Iran /J  August 30, 2003
Spy FAQ               Gator Spy-Ad FAQ                                 August 30, 2003
Black Ice             The Invisible Threat of Cyber-Terrorism /D       August 29, 2003
EU Spy                EU (un)lawful interception related documents /A  August 29, 2003


nuke-fuze.htm         Nuclear Weapons Arming and Fuzing                August 31, 2003

bogus-iq.htm          Bogus Iraqi Defectors Duped Allied Spies?        August 31, 2003
oneill-v-iraq.htm     Estate of John P. O'Neill v. Iraq, et al         August 29, 2003
dod082903.txt         US War Whores and Pimps Secret Meet              August 29, 2003
riaa-spy.htm          RIAA Reveals Computer Spying Techniques          August 28, 2003
tsa082703.htm         US Seeks Global Solution to Airline Security     August 28, 2003

spy-ads.htm           Spy Ads: A New Battleground In Web Privacy War   August 27, 2003
bbc-ban.htm           Banned BBC Film Up for Sale on Internet          August 27, 2003
anti-manpads.htm      USAF Patent on Man Portable Missile Defense      August 27, 2003
hhs082703.txt         Smallpox Vaccine Injury Compensation Program     August 27, 2003
nist082703.txt        NIST Call for InfoSec Practices Submissions      August 27, 2003

ispab082703.txt       InfoSec and Privacy Panel Meet                   August 27, 2003
d200012p.pdf          DoD Antiterrorism (AT) Program, 18 Aug 2003      August 26, 2003
dod-us-spy.htm        DoD Electronic Surveillance of US Persons        August 26, 2003
bpm082503.txt         Those Unfit for US Arms Bribes                   August 25, 2003
dtc082503.txt         Those Perfect for US Arms Bribes                 August 25, 2003

dos082503.txt         US/Cuba Car War                                  August 25, 2003
pd2003-32.txt         Prez OKs Not-His-Drugs Interdiction Flights      August 25, 2003
nrc082503.txt         Beware Hazardous Uranium Tailings Sites          August 25, 2003
fcc082503.txt         FCC Assures Fax Spam Neverending                 August 25, 2003
whca-shuttle.htm      White House Communications Staff Shuttle         August 23, 2003

pic-mg.htm            Property in Conflict: Tech/Copyright Crossroads  August 21, 2003
fbi-corrupt.htm       FBI Accused of Corrupting Computer Surveillance  August 20, 2003
doj081903.htm         Ashcroft: PATRIOT Act Preserves Life & Liberty   August 19, 2003
fema081903.txt        FEMA Plans for Radiological Emergency            August 19, 2003
bcbp081903.txt        CN/JP Fiber Cable Products: Made in USA          August 19, 2003

dod081903.txt         EIS for Pulsed Fast Neutron Cargo Inspection     August 19, 2003
stakeknife-loss.htm   Scappaticci Loses Request to be de-Stakeknifed   August 18, 2003
lloyds-fraud.htm      Lloyds TSB Bank Accused of Fraud                 August 17, 2003
rand081303.htm        RAND Sees Rosy Future for Terrorism Biz          August 14, 2003
poindexter.htm        John Poindexter Resignation Letter               August 13, 2003

za-crypto.htm         South African Regulation of Encryption           August 12, 2003
cn-1bn-ids.htm        China Plans 1 Billion Citizen Spying Cards       August 12, 2003
occ081203.txt         Feds Set Rule on Financial Records Security      August 12, 2003
epa081203.txt         RFC on Transuranic Waste Processing Plant        August 12, 2003
nist081203.txt        National Construction Safety Meet                August 12, 2003

uscg081203.txt        Coast Guard Sets Security Zones for Tampa Bay    August 12, 2003
pd2003-28.txt         Prez Names International Criminal Court Toadies  August 12, 2003
pn080703.txt          Prez Continues Export Control Flim-Flam          August 12, 2003
dos081103.txt         Approved Traders in Rough Diamonds               August 12, 2003
nsa072203.htm         NSA Statement on Cybersecurity                   August 11, 2003

tonasket.htm          The Tonasket Resolution Bucks Patriot Act        August 10, 2003
moles-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing RAF Molesworth Intelligence Center    August 9, 2003
fru-stakeknife2.htm   Stakeknife Update                                August 9, 2003    MIT v. RIAA Court Docket and Six Filings         August 8, 2003 (Zipped, 1.0MB)
dos080803.txt         US: Freedom Fighter Shamil Basayev Is Terrorist  August 8, 2003

fomi6-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing UK FO/MI6 Intercept Stations          August 8, 2003
tsa080803.txt         TSA Highway Eyeball Program                      August 8, 2003
fcc080803.txt         FCC Rule on CIPA Library Censorship              August 8, 2003
fec080803.txt         FEC Rule on Presidential Campaign Slush          August 8, 2003
don080803.txt         Navy Offers Many Patents for Licensing           August 8, 2003

dhs080703.txt         DHS and State Suspend Transit Visas              August 7, 2003
uscg080703.txt        Coast Guard Security Zones for NY Ports          August 7, 2003
uk-intel.doc          UK Intelligence and Security Report Aug 2003     August 7, 2003 (.DOC 445KB)          UK Intelligence and Security Report Aug 2003     August 7, 2003 (Zipped 136KB)
mi5mi6-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing MI5 and MI6 Headquarters              August 6, 2003

usa-v-sma-dkt2.htm    US v. Sherman Austin Court Docket                August 6, 2003
sean-maguire.htm      Kevin Fulton Names Sean Maguire as British Agent August 5, 2003
capen-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing UK Capenhurst Phone-Tap Tower         August 4, 2003
tapac061903.htm       TIA Oversight Panel Meeting Minutes              August 4, 2003
tsa080403.txt         TSA Seeks Air Passenger Rage Data                August 4, 2003

irs080403.txt         IRS Seeks Greedy Golden Parachute Data           August 4, 2003
doa080403.txt         Biological Agents and Toxins Meetings Yanked     August 4, 2003
fsis080403.txt        Poultry and Cackleberry Food Security            August 4, 2003
nrc080403.txt         Quehanna Strontium-90 Site Decommissioning       August 4, 2003
dvd080403.txt         DVDCCA Anti-Trust Members and Drop-Outs          August 4, 2003

fac080403.txt         Rough Diamonds Control Regulations               August 4, 2003
dnfsb080403.txt       Nuke Safety Meeting                              August 4, 2003
nara080403.txt        Records Scheduled for Destruction                August 4, 2003
shayler-dis.htm       Regina v. Shayler - Court of Appeal Dismissal    August 3, 2003
felt-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing US/UK RAF Feltwell Intel Station      August 1, 2003

dirty-market.htm      Dirty Bomb Market                                August 1, 2003
boul-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing UK RAF Boulmer Intel Station          August 1, 2003
chick-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing UK RAF Chicksands Intel Station       August 1, 2003
digby-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing UK RAF Digby Intel Station            August 1, 2003
defford-eyeball.htm   Eyeballing UK Defford Intel Station              August 1, 2003

hans-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing UK Hanslope Park Intel Station        August 1, 2003
irton-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing UK Irton Moor Intel Station           August 1, 2003
upwood-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing UK Upwood Intel Station               August 1, 2003
tsa080103.txt         DHS Modifies CAPPS Traveler Records              August 1, 2003
pn073103.txt          Prez Notice on Iraq Emergency                    August 1, 2003

O f f s i t e 

Bad Info              Inept Terror Info Sharing with State and Locals  August 27, 2003
Rad Scare             Radiological Events/Accidents Docket /M          August 26, 2003
Plod Op               IRA Files Stolen, Copied, Returned /W            August 26, 2003

CATIC                 California Spy Center /M                         August 26, 2003
AE                    The Architecture of Electricity /B               August 26, 2003
NARP                  Nuclear Weapon Accident Response Manual (3.5MB)  August 24, 2003
AnonSurf              Directory of Anonymous Web Browsing              August 24, 2003
JAP                   Popular Net anonymity service back-doored /T     August 21, 2003

USA                   The prison formerly known as America /J          August 21, 2003
PLL                   DoJ's PATRIOT Act Promotional Site               August 19, 2003
Power                 Map of a Democratic Power System /B/H            August 19, 2003
MOS 1                 Mechanisms of an Oppressive State 1 /J           August 19, 2003
MOS 2                 Mechanisms of an Oppressive State 2 /J           August 19, 2003

CA Power              Ontario Power System /B                          August 18, 2003
GL Infra              Great Lakes Infrastructure Maps /B               August 18, 2003
NYS Grid              New York Power Transmission System               August 18, 2003
NYS Power             New York Secured Electrical Facilities           August 18, 2003
NYC Plan              NYC Electrical Fault Management Plan             August 18, 2003

Eyeballs              Revealing Hidden Places: Cryptome Eyeballing     August 15, 2003
Snafu                 DoJ Report on FBI Negligence in Hanssen Spying   August 14, 2003
TCPA FAQ              Updated Trusted Computer FAQ /R                  August 14, 2003
SP800-59              Guideline for National Security Info Systems     August 14, 2003
CIA WMD               CIA Statement on Iraqi WMD Intelligence          August 12, 2003

Touts?                Analysis of Scappaticci & Mag Uidhir Accusations August 11, 2003
OSA Hit               Hutton Inquiry on Kelly Death /O                 August 11, 2003
Who                   Bletchley Park Secret Log-in Given to US /D      August 11, 2003
BGP                   Boycott Gillette Products/RFID Tags /C           August 11, 2003
SWPD                  The Secret Wildlife of Porton Down               August 10, 2003

NukeNote              Nuclear Notebook                                 August 10, 2003
RU Bye                Russian policy in Chechnya /A                    August 10, 2003
Colo                  Computer Co-location Facility Vulnerabilities /M August 10, 2003
FU                    Jury Denies Income Tax to IRS /R                 August 9, 2003
RIAA Nix              Court Rejects RIAA Subpoenas /W                  August 8, 2003

RIAA Map              Tracking RIAA Subpoenas /M                       August 8, 2003
NSA 1                 NSA Statement on 9/11 Investigation Report       August 7, 2003
NSA 2                 NSA Testimony on Cybersecurity                   August 7, 2003
RTF                   Sherman Austin Gets Year in Jail                 August 5, 2003
SIN CIA               Peru's Montesinos and the CIA /T                 August 4, 2003

CU Ban                US Citizens Challenge Cuba Travel Ban            August 3, 2003
TIA Docs              DoD TIA/Tech & Privacy Panel Documents           August 3, 2003
IQ UR                 Looted Iraqi Nuke Material For Sale              August 2, 2003
UKUS                  New UK/US Extradition Treaty /T                  August 1, 2003
IQ Tel                DoD Briefing on Iraq Telecomm Rebuilding         August 1, 2003

JULY 2003

eo13311.txt           Exec Order on Homeland Security Info Sharing     July 31, 2003

nrc073103.txt         NRC Final Report on Yucca Mountain Nuke Vault    July 31, 2003
fcc073103.txt         Telemarketer Fees for Do-Not-Call Service        July 31, 2003
dsb073103.txt         Defense Science Board Open Meet on SARS          July 31, 2003
irs073003.txt         Latest List of Ex-US Persons                     July 31, 2003
pam-unpub.htm         Unpublished PAM Web Site                         July 31, 2003

porton-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing the UK Porton Down Laboratory         July 30, 2003
pam-site.htm          PAM Web Site, Now Axed by DARPA                  July 30, 2003
uk-book-fear.htm      Why Is This Book a Threat to UK Security?        July 30, 2003
pam-dod.htm           DoD on Termination of PAM and Poindexter         July 29, 2003
pam-killers.htm       Axed Images of DARPA's PAM Assassination Site    July 29, 2003

au-terr-plan.htm      AU Terror Blueprint                              July 28, 2003
laken-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing US Nuclear Weapons Storage in Britain July 28, 2003
niger-docs2.htm       More Images of Forged Nigerien Documents         July 27, 2003
raf-wittering.jpg     Eyeballing UK RAF Wittering                      July 27, 2003
fylindales.jpg        Eyeballing UK Fylingdales Station                July 27, 2003

45min-who.htm         Mystery Over Source of '45 minute' Claim         July 27, 2003
morwenstow.jpg        Eyeballing NSA Morwenstow UK Echelon Station     July 27, 2003
911-gap.htm           Senators Highlight Gap in 911 Report             July 27, 2003
getnetwise.htm        Online Security Awareness Campaign               July 27, 2003
n2h2-vile.htm         N2H2 Vile Sites for Kids                         July 26, 2003

dhs072303.htm         DHS Warns of Terrorist Officials                 July 25, 2003
fcc072503.txt         FCC Implements Telephone Consumer Protection Act July 25, 2003
nasa072503.txt        NASA Investigation of Research Misconduct        July 25, 2003
dos072503.txt         State Dept Slaps North Korean Missile Hand       July 25, 2003
us-ru-ctc.htm         US-RU Counterterrorists Rig Rosy Future          July 25, 2003

food-sec.htm          US Fattens Rotgut Food Security                  July 25, 2003
fbi072303.htm         FBI Says War on Terrorism Is STASI Bent          July 25, 2003
vcrpp.c               VCRplus  Code that wants to be free              July 25, 2003
nrc072403.txt         NRC Wants Better Nuke Plant Emergency Response   July 24, 3003
wh072203.htm          White House on Pre-War Iraq Intelligence         July 24, 2003

cbp072303.txt         Customs Wants Electronic Data on Cargo           July 24, 2003
dsb072303.txt         Defence Science Board Secret Meets               July 24, 2003
cdc072203.htm         Exposure Limits for Chemical Warfare Agents      July 22, 2003
niger-docs.htm        Update: Images of 8 Forged Nigerien Uranium Docs July 21, 2003
riaa-hit.htm          RIAA Subpoena                                    July 21, 2003

tsa072103.txt         Port Security Grants Round 2                     July 21, 2003
dos072103.txt         State OKs Passports to Iraq                      July 21, 2003
nara072103.txt        NARA Records to be Disposed                      July 21, 2003
nsa-curbed.htm        Congress Curbs NSA's Buying Power                July 20, 2003
rfid-caring.htm       RFID for Spying Cognitive Disorders              July 20, 2003

rfid-spy.htm          How RFID Spies on Customers                      July 19, 2003
nsa-seatap.htm        NSA Undersea Optical Tapping Imperils a Merger   July 17, 2003
lbj-7.htm             LBJ Foreign Relations Vol.7-Vietnam 09/68-01/69  July 17, 2003 (2.25MB)             LBJ Foreign Relations Vol.7-Vietnam 09/68-01/69  July 17, 2003 (Zipped 743KB)
ntia071703.txt        Briefing on Launch of Domain             July 17, 2003

rspa071703.txt        Identifying High Hazard Pipeline Areas           July 17, 2003
boc071703.txt         Census Bureau on Commerce Control/USM Lists      July 17, 2003
pecsea071503.txt      Prez Export Council Meet                         July 17, 2003
wtc-path-rfp.htm      RFQ/RFP for A&E Services for WTC PATH Terminal   July 16, 2003
tia071403.txt         TIA Deleted from Defense Funding                 July 16, 2003

gchq-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing the GCHQ                              July 16, 2003
dos071403.txt         US: Colombia Military Less Death Squaddy - Wink  July 14, 2003
dsd-au-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing AU Defence Signals Directorate        July 14, 2003
jdb-v-usa-106.htm     Jim Bell Sues US et al for RICO and Anti-Trust   July 12, 2003
cia071103.htm         CIA Eats Yellowcake-gate                         July 11, 2003

gsa071103.txt         RFC for Federal E-Authentication Policy          July 11, 2003
dhs071103.txt         Dept HomeSec Implements SAFETY Act               July 11, 2003
dol071103.txt         US Bans Age Discrimination on Federal Projects   July 11, 2003
nist071103.txt        NIST Workshop on Federal Software Security       July 11, 2003
nrc071103.txt         NRC Tweaks Nuclear Security Practices            July 11, 2003

pd2003-27.txt         Prez Arms-Bribes ICC Suckups                     July 11, 2003
treas071103.txt       Treasury Rule on Terrorism Risk Insurance        July 11, 2003
iq-enigmas.htm        Iraqi Commanders Enigmas to US Intel             July 10, 2003
nrc071003.txt         Connecticut Asks NY Nuke Plant Terror Check      July 10, 2003
dos071003.txt         US OKs Peek at RU Nuke Info                      July 10, 2003

doe071003.txt         US OKs Hulk Nuke Mat Dump on JP                  July 10, 2003
uscg071003.txt        Coast Guard Port Sec for AK Love Tubs            July 10, 2003
newport-eyeball.htm   Eyeballing the Newport Chemical Depot            July 9, 2003
anad-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing the Anniston Chemical Depot           July 9, 2003
msfc-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing the Marshall Space Flight Center      July 9, 2003

oas-junksec.htm       OAS Internet Security Junket                     July 9, 2003
911-report.htm        9/11 Commission Interim Report                   July 9, 2003
doc070903.txt         IT Business for Ireland/NI Sought                July 9, 2003
uscg070903.txt        Maritime Security Panel Formed                   July 9, 2003
dia070903.txt         Defense Intelligence Panel Meet                  July 9, 2003

buy-spy.htm           Consumers' Purchases May Spy on Them             July 8, 2003
dhs070803.htm         US Boosts Financial Spying Capabilities          July 8, 2003
hc-uk-iq.htm          HoC Conclusions: Decision to go to War in Iraq   July 8, 2003
wh-911-balk.htm       White House Balks 9/11 Probe                     July 8, 2003
milvax.htm            Military Vaccination News                        July 8, 2003

tapac070803.txt       DoD Technology and Privacy Panel Meet            July 8, 2003
istac070803.txt       Info Sys Technical Panel Meet                    July 8, 2003
niac070803.txt        National Infrastructure Panel Meet               July 8, 2003
nsa-act59.htm         National Security Agency Act of 1959             July 7, 2003
intel-laws.htm        Compilation of US Intelligence Laws & Orders     July 7, 2003

rfid-docs.htm         Confidential RFID Documents                      July 7, 2003
hud070703.txt         WTC Memorial Environmental Study                 July 7, 2003
ncta070703.txt        National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Meet    July 7, 2003
lead-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing the Letterkenny Army Depot            July 4, 2003
homesec-kyagb.htm     Homeland Security Guidelines and Standards       July 4, 2003

gao-03-896tni.htm     Nuclear Security: DOE Faces Post 9/11 Challenges July 3, 2003
spy-spotting.htm      Surveillance Recognition                         July 3, 2003
web-priv-war.htm      Web Privacy Firms Battle Government Spies        July 3, 2003
nrc070303.txt         Nuclear Power Plants Get New Rule                July 3, 2003
dos070303.txt         China and North Korea Hit for Iran Nuke Help     July 3, 2003

don070303.txt         Naval Research Secret Meet                       July 3, 2003
tele-trojan.htm       Telemarketing Opt Out Trojan Horse               July 3, 2003
ca-priv-censor.htm    Privacy Commissioner of Canada Censored          July 2, 2003
panic-mad.htm         Panic Attack: Why Our Obsession with Risk        July 2, 2003
fbi070203.txt         FBI Seeks Renewed Funds for CALEA Wiretap        July 2, 2003

don070203.txt         Naval Research Secret Meets                      July 2, 2003
gao070203.txt         GAO Publishes New Government Audit Handbook      July 2, 2003
ispab070203.txt       Nominations Sought for InfoSec Privacy Board     July 2, 2003
nhtsa070203.txt       High Theft Vehicle Lines                         July 2, 2003
bis070203.txt         Materials Export Advisory Meet                   July 2, 2003

icc-screw.htm         US Turns Screw on International Criminal Court   July 1, 2003
pnr-spy.htm           EU/US Passenger Name Record Spying Pact          July 1, 2003
dod070103.htm         DoD Rules for Trials by Military Commissions     July 1, 2003
uscg070103.htm        US Coast Guard Martime Security Initiatives      July 1, 2003
ussc070103.txt        Sentencing Commission Needs PROTECT Help         July 1, 2003

O f f s i t e
TI Spy                David Wood Thesis on Transnational SIGINT        July 30, 2003
PRC Sec               DoD Report on Chinese Military Power             July 30, 2003
Mars Sec              Detecting Biohazards in Martian Samples          July 30, 2003
FMBAP                 Fuck, Mom, Baseball, Apple Pie /D                July 29, 2003

AP3                   USG Assassination Politics /A                    July 29, 2003
AP2                   USG Assassination Politics /D/T                  July 29, 2003
AP                    Un-USG Assassination Politics                    July 29, 2003
Free Read             Gnutenberg: Online Books, Essays, Manifestos /F  July 28, 2003
MHS                   Eyeballing NSA Menwith Hill UK Echelon Station   July 27, 2003

BAS                   Eyeballing NSA Bad Aibling DE Echelon Station    July 27, 2003
MAB                   Eyeballing NSA Misawa JP Echelon Station         July 27, 2003
PGS                   Eyeballing NSA Pine Gap AU Echelon Station       July 27, 2003
GER                   Eyeballing NSA Geraldton AU Echelon Station      July 27, 2003
WAI                   Eyeballing NSA Waihopai NZ Echelon Station       July 27, 2003

YAK                   Eyeballing NSA Yakima US Echelon Station         July 27, 2003
LEI                   Eyeballing NSA Leitrim CA Echelon Station        July 27, 2003
SUG                   Eyeballing NSA Sugar Grove US Echelon Station    July 27, 2003
RU Init               EFF: RIAA Subpoena Database /W                   July 25, 2003
911 911               FBI Responds to 9-11 Report                      July 25, 2003

911 CYA               Joint Congressional Report on 9-11               July 24, 2003
DoD Lag               GAO: DoD Dragging Ass on Info Security           July 24, 2003
All Eyes              Every RFID Is Watching You /D                    July 24, 2003
CSLEM                 Cisco's Vile Law Enforcement Spying /E           July 23, 2003
Kick Back             Kick Internet Piracy                             July 22, 2003

Plods                 UK Report on EU/US Legal Hegemon /T              July 22, 2003
Snafu                 Homeland Not So Secure? /T                       July 21, 2003
HSI Weak              Homeland Security Intelligence Weak /D           July 21, 2003
OSA Killing           David Kelly: Official Secrets Act Assassination  July 19, 2003
Crooks                Merchant Cards and Chips Spy Your Buys /O        July 19, 2003

Crooks 2              Tesco tests spy chip technology /O               July 19, 2003
Spam                  RIAA Legal Defense Handbook /N                   July 19, 2003
Oil Putsch            Cheney Energy Docs Feature Iraqi Oilfields /T    July 18, 2003
U-Dirt                Seymour Hersh on Niger Uranium, March 2003 /D    July 17, 2003
Pens                  US Army Internment Camp Field Manual /R          July 16, 2003

NAO                   Audit of GCHQ Facility /D                        July 16, 2003
Hot Rods              Nuclear Fuel Rods and Vessels                    July 15, 2003
NavOp                 US Navy Intelligence Job $60,177 - 93,031        July 14, 2003
ArmyOp1               US Army Intelligence Job $29,037 - 79,629        July 14, 2003
ArmyOp2               US Army Intelligence Job $15,214 - 110,682       July 14, 2003

ArmyOp3               US Army Intelligence Job $16,678 - 121,330       July 14, 2003
Kafka                 Sherman Austin: PATRIOT Act Overkill /B          July 12, 2003
PR.Gov                US Trading on Fear /D                            July 12, 2003
Footshot              Electronic Spying May Hurt More Than It Helps /K July 12, 2003
SCIF                  SCIF Construction Guide (3.1MB) /B               July 12, 2003

AWC                   Gateway to Information Operations & Intel        July 11, 2003
Tiny 18               US Busts 18 Firms for Arms Violations /A         July 11, 2003
SSN                   Ensuring the Integrity of Soc Sec Numbers        July 10, 2003
Port Sec              Tacoma Port Security System Documents /A         July 9, 2003
X Spy                 Wal-Mart Cancels RFID Venture /J                 July 9, 2003

Vote Fraud            How to Rig An Electronic Election in the US /J   July 8, 2003
FBI Gats 2            FBI Guide to Concealable Weapons /X              July 8, 2003
FBI Gats 1            Report on FBI Guide to Concealable Weapons /X    July 8, 2003
UK-IQ                 HoC Report on UK War on Iraq                     July 8, 2003
911-3                 9/11 Commission 3rd Hearing July 9               July 8, 2003

1A Fear               Dissertation Panics Authorities /D               July 8, 2003
A OK                  Anonymity Doomsday Panic /R                      July 7, 2003
Peek                  Auto ID Session /Z                               July 7, 2003
NRL                   NRLab/Rainbow Release E-mail Crypto /D           July 7, 2003
Voltage               Voltage Unveils Encryption Program               July 7, 2003

GYRE                  Tracking the Next Mil & Tech Revolutions /D      July 6, 2003
NSCP 7.02             Update: NSA Guide to Securing Netscape 7.02      July 5, 2003
GIA                   Government Information Awareness /R              July 4, 2003
HSSG                  Homeland Security Standards and Guidelines       July 4, 2003
HSG                   Homeland Security Guidelines                     July 4, 2003

HSFS                  Homeland Security Fact Sheets                    July 4, 2003
HSMN                  Homeland Security Monitoring Network             July 4, 2003
HSMP                  Homeland Security Monitoring Platform            July 4, 2003
DoD Fix               DoD Spins Military Commissions                   July 3, 2003
USCG I                Coast Guard Seeks Intelligence Head              July 1, 2003